Automate My Place

5 Exciting Reasons Why I Wanted to Automate My Place

When I first saw my neighbor’s Internet-enabled garage door opener in action, I knew I wanted one too. The gate was a small side project he did with a few microcontrollers. But it did wonders for his convenience. He later automated the rest of his home. As for me, I decided to look up for reasons to automate my home too.

Here are five reasons that made me decided to finally automate my place:

How to automate my place

Reason # 1 - Safety and Security

One of the first reasons why I decided to automate my place is for safety and security. When I researched about Best home automation, I discovered many ways home automation can keep my home safe. Smart home security devices are readily available in the market, along with all kinds of sensors and video devices for your home.

When put together, they form an effective home security system that connects to my Wi-Fi and smartphone. When a sensor is triggered while I was away, I would immediately be notified by my smart home security system. The decision to automate my place gave me peace of mind when it comes to home security.

Reason # 2 - Full Control of Household Appliances

Before I decided to automate my place, I had to go into each room in my house just to make sure I did not forget to turn my appliances off. But after I automated my home, I do not need to worry about leaving any appliances turned on.

Because many of my appliances are now connected to my home automation system, it’s easy to turn my house on or off. I don’t need to do rounds every time I leave my home anymore. I just need to tap the “away” button on my smartphone and my home automation system does the work.

Reason # 3 - Receive Relevant Information About My Home

I wasn’t really convinced that I needed to automate my home at first. But after I decided on it, living in my home became even more comfortable than before. That’s because I can track my daily activities and see what my home needs.

Thanks to my home automation system, I’m able to receive information about my activities at home. Like how long I watch TV daily and if my favorite drink is still in my refrigerator.  All the information I get from my smartphone about my house helps me build a more comfortable home.

Reason # 4 - Big Savings

Another reason that made me decide to automate my place is the amount I can save on household bills. When my home was not yet automated, I get charged a lot for my consumption of electricity and water. Most of the time, I overuse my A/C and it uses a lot of my electricity supply.

When I decided to automate my place, I was able to save on my electricity and water bills. I let my home automation system handle the A/C for me so I don’t overuse it.

Reason # 5 – Easy to Use for Everyone

Lastly, my home automation system is easy to use for me and my family. At first, I was in doubt whether I should automate my home or not. I was worried that my parents will have a hard time operating the system when they are at my home. And because they are elderly, it might make them feel bad not knowing how to use my Home Automation System.

But I was wrong. They were able to use it easily because the home automation system I got was easy to operate and understand. Now, my parents enjoy being in my home because it’s relaxing and comfortable for them.


Automating my home was not easy. I had to research the things I will need to automate my place. Automating my place became easy when I found WHICHHOMEAUTOMATION.COM.

WHICHHOMEAUTOMATION.COM gives in-depth reviews on different home automation systems available in the market today. And because these reviews are handled by home automation experts, they’re very detailed and objective.

They also have a detailed F.A.Q page on their website that can help anyone who wants to learn how they can begin automating their homes. It was very helpful for me when I started to automate my place.

Find the right home automation system for you by visiting www. today!

Application of Home Automation System

Modern LED Floor Lamp

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